MiraDry Specialist

Ohana Medical Spa

Darren S. Chin, MD

Aesthetic Specialist located in Scotch Plains, NJ

Are you experiencing sweaty underarms and embarrassing stains on your shirts? If so, consider getting a miraDry®️ treatment with aesthetic specialist Dr. Darren S. Chin at Ohana Medical Spa in Scotch Plains, New Jersey. MiraDry offers you the opportunity to safely eliminate sweat under your arms permanently. To find out more, schedule a consultation at Ohana Medical Spa today.

MiraDry Q & A

What is miraDry®️?

MiraDry is a non-invasive, permanent procedure Dr. Chin uses to remove the sweat and odor glands from under your arms. It works using focused thermal energy that destroys the glands when it comes in contact with them. Once the glands are gone, they won’t grow back.

To begin your treatment, Dr. Chin maps out your glands with temporary tattoo ink, then numbs the area with an anesthetic. He then sends thermal waves into your skin via a handheld applicator that he presses directly against your underarms.

To make the process more efficient, miraDry uses a slight suction to bring your glands closer to the skin’s surface. Finally, thermal waves radiate through your skin and use heat to destroy the glands. All in all, the process takes about an hour.

What results can I expect?

On average, miraDry treatment eliminates 82% of your underarm sweat production and 85% of your underarm odor production.

Dr. Chin decides how many treatments are best for you. Typically, though, you experience results after just one miraDry session.

Does miraDry treatment hurt?

MiraDry treatment doesn’t hurt. Before he begins, Dr. Chin numbs the area he’s treating, and to keep you comfortable during the procedure, the applicator emits a cooling sensation while it delivers thermal heat.

After treatment, you may experience side effects at the treatment site, including:

  • Bruising
  • Sensitivity
  • Swelling
  • Numbness

These side effects typically go away after several days. MiraDry requires no downtime for normal activities, but you should wait until any side effects have dissipated to resume normal exercise.

Is it safe to remove my underarm sweat glands?

The sweat glands under your arms make up about only 2% of the two to four million sweat glands covering your body. For this reason, it’s perfectly safe to remove your underarm sweat glands via FDA-approved miraDry. It won’t interfere with your natural sweat processes elsewhere or your body’s ability to cool itself.

If you’re sick and tired of your excessive sweat, reach out to Dr. Chin at Ohana Medical Spa to see if miraDry is right for you. To schedule your consultation, call or use the online booking tool.